what can we expect when . . .

Monday, July 18, 2005

2 Weeks left!!!

I only have two weeks left of summersession classes and then I'm done, everything, both my degrees. I'm so happy about it, but at the same time I'm not because there are so many other things that I want to stay around and learn about. However, I know that I will have lots of time for that in the future, I just have to trust in the Lord and I know that he will lead me to where he wants me to be. Anyway, there is an update. Talk to ya all later.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Don't Want to be Here!

Well I started summer school classes today, and boy do I ever not want to be here right now. However, I keep telling myself that I only have to get through these next four weeks and then I'm done my degree. Still I feel there is no rest for the weary.....but someone's got to do it (of course in this situation only I can). On the good side of it all, once I'm done these classes I'll be able to go and do what God wants me to do (not that I don't do that anyway, but you know what I mean). This is all kinda scary for me though because it means that my life is taking a different turn and I have to step into the real world and begin my career.............very scary, but new and exciting at the same time.